FCPO History

The Fellowship of Christian Peace Officers was founded in the United States of America, in 1971, by a group of peace officer within the Los Angeles Police Service. Their hope was to promote fellowship amongst Christian officers in the Department and provide support for peace officers and peace offers’ families as the needs arose. Today FCPO-US has about 4,000 members who have formed Chapters across the United States.

The Fellowship of Christian Peace Officers – Canada was founded in 1983, following a joint meeting between FCPO-USA and a number of interested officers in Canada. Initially, the Canadian officers joined FCPO-USA as associate members but it wasn’t long until it was recognized we needed to be our own entity. A head office was established in Tillsonburg, Ontario and they began to reach out to officers across Canada with the message of FCPO. Our head office subsequently transitioned to Woodstock, Ontario and is currently in our nation’s capital.

Wherever we find peace officers in need, our goal is to reach out to them in tangible ways that make a difference in their lives first physically and then spiritually as is indicated by James 2:14-26. One such instance occurred following Hurricane Katrina. The Police Service in Gulf Port, Mississippi and many of its members along with many firefighters were devastated by the storm. Many lost all their houses and in some cases everything they owned. FCPO-Canada and FCPO-USA joined forces and sent crews of peace officers and firefighters south to Gulf Port, Mississippi to answer the need for help.

Over the course of a two year period we worked shoulder to shoulder cleaning up debris, salvaging what was salvageable and rebuilding or remodeling homes that were damaged. During that time our goal was to where possible and as quickly as possible bring balance once again to the lives of these officers and firefighters. If they could once again have a house then they could once again have a home, because families could be reunited again. Over the time frame of the two years we were involved 61 homes that were remodeled or rebuilt. The love of God was shone abroad in the hearts of many during that two year period.

After the tragic murder of a peace officer, folks are left numb. Services and agencies are often able to provide support through traditional means by providing officers and staff with counselling services and other mental health care from professional providers. Some services have chaplains who provide spiritual care. 

Sadly, in 2014, 3 RCMP officers were murdered in Moncton, NB. Again, everyone was left in shock. We felt the need to offer officers and their spouses the opportunity to attend the National Law Enforcement Retreat in North Carolina. Given this was a Christian retreat, it was unlikely that police services could offer such a help to their grieving officers. We sponsored 7 officers, plus 4 spouses to attend the retreat (~5% of the detachment). 

Again, in 2018, 2 Frederickton officers were murdered. Once again we sponsored 5 officers plus their spouses to go to the National Law Enforcement Retreat (~5% of the service).

In July 2019, we launched one of our most ambitious projects - Project Sword. Here, it is our intention to offer a special pocket-sized New Testament to every serving peace officer in Canada!

Peace officer and peace officer families remain at the center of our ministry. Check out our ministries page to see if there is some way in which we can be of assistance to you.