
We offer various forms of ministry to peace officers and their communities


  • Prayer support for peace officers and their families;
  • Hospital Visitations, if we have members close or in the area.

Injured Officer Initiative

FCPO-CANADA members pray for the recovery of all officers who are injured in the line of duty.  If they are hospitalized, we try to visit them and provide them with encouragement and a small gift. If you know of an officer who is hospitalized as a result of an on duty injury, let us know at or call us at (604) 200-3270.

Speaker Initiative

Many of our members are dynamic public speakers with strong testimonies of what the Lord has done in their personal and professional lives. The credibility of having a law enforcement officer share their personal faith in Jesus Christ can be very uplifting and inspiring. Upon request from churches or other Christian organizations, we try to arrange to have one of our members attend a service or meeting with the view to them sharing their faith and experience as a Christian officer.

Knowing Jesus Christ

Many today believe that there is simply nothingness after we die. Nothing could be farther from the truth! The Bible is very clear that when we die it is simply a transition from this life to an eternal life in hell as a consequence of rejecting God and the testimony He has given His Son (Jesus Christ), or eternal life with Him in heaven –
(1 John 5:10-13).

So how do you get to heaven – what makes you good enough? Well if you are counting on the fact that you have never really done anyone any harm, or always tried to be good and live a good life, count again. The Bible is also very clear that everyone sins and falls short of God’s expectations (Rom 3:23) and that there is a consequence for this (Rom 6:23). Unfortunately, God trusted humankind many times over the years to get things right, but in the end, it never did happen, even though many opportunities were given. As a result, God had to make a decision on the attempts of humankind and He now sees them as futile and counts our attempts to do it on our own as filthy rags.

The story doesn’t end there however, God in His infinite love for His most precious creation, humankind, knew He had to create a way Himself, and to do so He sent His Son Jesus Christ to pay the price for our failures and misguided attempts (John 3:16). You see even though He had given the Ten Commandments, and even though many new laws had found their way onto the books over the years, none of it had made humankind capable of getting back to Him through their own efforts so He knew He had to do something. Romans 8:3 explains this when it says: “For what the law was powerless to do in that it was weakened by the sinful nature, God did by sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful man to be a sin offering.”

God in His grace has reached out to us and provided a way that we can come to Him and be saved and safe in the knowledge that we will spend eternity with Him. Jesus speaking with his disciples just before He was taken to the cross to pay for our sin said “I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me.” Now, you and I can by asking Him to be our Lord and Saviour – become part of God’s family here and in eternity. If you would like to do that now, you can pray the following simple prayer:

Father in heaven, I acknowledge to you today that I am a sinner and that I need your forgiveness. Jesus thank you for paying the price for my sin and I am asking you today to come into my life, to be my Lord and Saviour. I promise to follow you and let you change me into the person I know I ought to be. AMEN.

If you have prayed this prayer please let us know! We would like to send you a few items to assist you with your new life and journey.